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Adventist Libraries and Distance Education
Peg Bennett & Keith Clouten

The Next Wave of Collaboration
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Distance Education: Then and Now
Distance Education (DE) has been around for a long time.
What is new in DE is the Internet.

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Thanks to the Internet we now have

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Trends as we enter the new Millennium
- Globalization
- Continuing Education of Adults
“The growth industry in this country and the world
will soon be continuing education of adults.”
(Peter Drucker : Managing in a Time of Great Change. 1995. P.343)
- The New Home Base
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The New HOME Base
- Tele-commuting:
- Growing by 15% per year
- Work from Home means
no longer Going to Work !
- Online Education:
- Growing 3 times faster than full-time enrollments at residential schools
- Study from Home means
no longer Going to School !
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DE Takes Several Forms
- DE Programs from Traditional Campuses
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Virtual Universities
- Some established by corporations for profit (e.g. Motorola)
- State legislatures are establishing virtual universities (e.g. Tennessee, Kentucky)
- Do not grant degrees or offer courses
- Function as consortia to provide services for existing public universities
- NAD is in process of establishing a VU
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How TE is different from DE
TE (Traditional Education) |
DE (Distance Education) |
- Broadcast learning
- Face-to-face interaction
- Encounter with diverse populations & points of view
- Access to our cultural & intellectual heritage via the library
- “Lighting a fire in students’ hearts, role modeling & nurturing”
- Learning by discovery
- Online interaction
- Learning at home
- Convenient access to instructional materials & instructors
- Well suited to job training & continuing education
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DE and Libraries
It Used to Be
Soooo Slow
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Traditional DE support meant a long waiting time
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DE and Libraries Today
it can be
Almost Instantaneous !!
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DE support can be fast!!
Remote Databases
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How DE is Challenging Libraries
- Collaboration is happening everywhere
- Libraries are often forgotten in the rush. Why?
- Few online courses require reading lists or library research
- Uncertainty about how the library & its resources can be successfully integrated into an online format
- 1998 ACRL Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services
- Pressure from accreditation bodies
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DE Challenges for Adventist Libraries
- Worldwide Distribution of DE Students
- Technology is a Question of Geography
- Licensing Issues
- Adventist Education is Ripe for Collaboration
- New NAD Consortium for DE
- Recent GC Seminar on Distance Education
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SDA Libraries Can Collaborate for DE Support
- Global Mission
- Technologies create new Opportunities
- Librarians Collaborate — “It’s what we do!”
- ASDAL has a Proud History of Collaboration
- SDA Periodical Index
- ALICE (Adventist Libraries Information Cooperative)
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Opportunities for Global Collaboration
- SDA Resources on the Web
- Enhanced Interlibrary Loan
- Global Direct Document Delivery
- Global Consortial Approach to Selected Database Producers / Vendors
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Challenges to SDA Library Collaboration for DE
- Lack of library budget support for DE (staff, information resources,
- Competition among NAD Institutions
- Collaboration requires leadership and support at both NAD and GC levels
- Collaboration requires teamwork among librarians
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So . . .
Move over, ALICE. And meet your little brother …

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